noun. def: modern scientific understanding
Neurodiversity is our modern way of understanding diverse neurological conditions, such as autism, as a natural part of the human condition.
These variations occur naturally. While we don't yet know why these exist. We do know that these variations have been with humans for a very long time.
"Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less,"
- Marie Curie
"And so what, if I love each feather and each spangle? Why not try and see things from a different angle? Your life is a sham till you can shout out loud I am what I am!"
- Jerry Herman
I Am What I Am
"Neurodiversity should be seen as a gift to employers,"
- Richard Branson
noun. def: a common variation
Autism is a neurological variant which occurs in at least 1-in-59 people. Its origins are unknown, but it has played an important role in human society.
Autism is a spectrum condition, which means that each autistic individual will maintain a unique combination of autistic traits. Autistic people share similar experiences. However, no two people are alike. There are just as many ways to be autistic as there are autistic people.
Autistic People
noun. def: human beings
Autistic people are just like any other group of humans. Autistic people span a range of intellectual abilities and skills.
Some autistic people verbally speak, while some communicate through other means. Some autistic individuals require a high-level of assistance, some less. Almost all autistic people experience difficulty (some much more so than others) living in a society which is not designed for them.
Autistic "Cousins"
noun. def: extended family members
Variations such as ADHD, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, and Dyslexia are often considered autistic "cousins". Each of these different conditions can often be accommodated through shared approaches and understanding.
Autistic people may also have one or more of these conditions as well.
"Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less,"
- Marie Curie
"The autistic self-advocacy movement as a whole sees autism as a disability. This is known. We know it's a disability and we also know that disability can come with pride, culture, and rights. These things all go together with neurodiversity."
- Julia Bascom
Autistic Self Advocacy Network
A disability
or a
noun. def: an inherent part of humanity
Disability is not a bad word, nor is it anything to be ashamed of. It's normal. According to the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, it is an inherent part of the human condition. Each human has a set of limitations, just as they have traits which place them at an advantage in certain contexts.
Neurodiversity does not deny disability. It centers on its reality.
noun. def: a system which disables others
Disability is not a bad word, nor is it anything to be ashamed of. It's normal. According to the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, it is an inherent part of the human condition. Each human has a set of limitations, just as they have traits which place them at an advantage in certain contexts.
Neurodiversity does not deny disability. It centers on its reality.
Social Model
Hari Srinivasan
"Nonspeaking autistics make up one part of the spectrum of neurodiversity...The world loves to put autism into little buckets with generalizations about the way we think, feel, and act."
Greta Thunberg
Climate Advocate
"I'm proud to be on the autism spectrum. For most, it is an endless fight against schools, workplaces & bullies, but under the right circumstances, given the right adjustments, it can be a superpower."
Armani Williams
"I find being autistic an advantage for me because I’m so focus and concentrated behind the wheel. That goes with being consistent, smooth, and seeing the big picture leading up to the race so I have put that all into good use and it has really help me developed as a pro race car driver."
Rian Phin
Fashion Vlogger
"People say 'You don't look autistic!', but that's because your perception of what you think autism looks like is wrong. Think. How many autistic people who look like me in the media have you seen?"
Daryl Hannah
"Kids bullied me and that just drove me further into myself. Children can be very cruel when they see someone who doesn't fit in. Unfortunately, that was me. I didn't fit in anywhere."
Helen Hoang
“Women are under more social pressure to conform. If we’re on autistic, we’re pushed to the max to fit in. For that reason, I think it’s important to portray what autism looks like so people who need the diagnosis can get it."
Maxfield Sparrow
Author & Speaker
"Work initiatives are aimed at specific skills. We need to pay more attention to the massive "excluded middle" of us who languish because current narratives leave no room for people like us to exist."
Amy Sequenzia
"There are some Autistics who still can’t, or find it difficul,t to communicate in the majority’s preferred ways. Some of us might find it overwhelming to communicate by talking or typing all the time.
When trying to convey a message, we use our eyes, body language, and, sometimes, even noises that are hard to understand. People should not only pay attention to these forms of communication, but also support them."
Juan Pablo Ruiz
"I found that as an autistic person in academia, the one thing I could’ve used more of was a combination of time and patience from others."
Sydney Macgruder
Ballet Dancer
"There's one dominant narrative in our culture and in the media about what neurodiversity looks like. I'm here to bust that narrative. I'm here to break the stigma. Are you?"
Niall Aslam
British Television Celebrity
"It's important that I come forward, not only to finally be honest with myself, but so that other individuals in my position can embrace their true colors. I'm glad I can now accept who I am."
David Byrne
"However we are, whatever we are, we don't know how to be another way. That's the way we are."
Alex Clementine
Graphic Designer
"Just because we act differently than most doesn’t mean we’re weird. And, please don’t treat us as such. Trust me, we know when we’re being treated as outcast. It’s traumatic being cast aside all your life. We just want to be accepted and appreciated every once in a while.
I used to be ashamed of who I am but now I am learning to love myself and take pride in what makes me me."
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Neurodiverse Employees
San Francisco, CA | Tel: (415) 758-3690